Thursday, December 27, 2007


The Community Survey which took place in October has concluded that at this time up to 18 people expressed a need for affordable housing in the Parish of Trull.

14 of the respondents were current Trull residents
12 respondents had a family connection to Trull
2 respondents are employed in Trull
6 respondents are currently living in unsatisfactory or over crowded accomodation
7 respondents wish to move out of the parents house
6 respondents have an insecure tenancy agreement

7 of the properties required were 1 bed
6 of the properties required were 2 bed
2 of the properties required were 3 bed

The majority of residents earnt under £18,000 per annum

The survey is only a snapshot in time , peoples requirements change.

It is clear there is some need but not to the extent that Summerfield Developments are proposing.