Sunday, September 9, 2007

I have been made aware that The Leader of the Council, Ross Henley has critised me through the newspapers for my position on Affordable Housing and called me a hypocrite for supporting "affordable housing" but not in my own ward. I need to respond to this position it is clear to me and I will need to write to the Wellington Weekly and Gazette.

To me it is clear:

I support affordable housing as a principle where appropriate and where there is a clear need.

This development is not appropriate, its a greenfield site, the need is only 6 to 10 in the Trull ward not 80 and the consequences on infrastructure are clear to everyone.

Trull and Comeytrowe have clearly indicated to me they don't want this development and I therefore will have to suggest to Cllr Henley that his administration carefully consider what they are allowing to happen. Indeed by virtue of the fact that the developers have clearly had a steer from the officers at the Council he leads and spent thousands of pounds on the process before he should be telling me why he feels this is appropriate.

I still find it ironic that his political party stood at the local elections on a ticket to protect this land and yet within months...

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